Distances Between Communities (km)

Blackstone Patjarr Tjirrkarli Tjukurla Warburton Wanarn Warakurna Wingellina
Blackstone 405 330 380 205 175 235 75
Patjarr 405 355 575 230 330 395 480
Tjirrkarli 330 355 540 125 295 360 405
Tjukurla 380 575 540 415 275 180 330
Warburton 205 230 125 415 170 235 280
Wanarn 175 330 295 275 170 105 250
Warakurna 235 395 360 180 235 105 185
Wingellina 75 480 405 330 280 250 185
  1. These distances are provided as a guide only, please confirm distances yourself before travelling.
  2. The above distances are approximates only, the Great Central Road (Outback Highway) and other community roads are subject to road realignments which may vary the distances.