Council Policies

Purpose of Policies

Legislation provides for policies to be determined by Council, and for the CEO to manage the day to day operations of the local government. Policies should provide a written reference to clearly link the higher-level directions set by the Council and the operational considerations which the CEO will employ to cause council decisions to be implemented.

Policies should provide guidance to articulate the strategic direction of Council and set out the position of the local government to follow at an operational level (e.g. we shall, we shall not), particularly where legislation does not provide such guidance. They are not necessarily intended to provide direction on how different functions are to be executed, except where legislation requires it.

The CEO/administration will interpret the policies and strategic direction set by Council to formulate operational processes and procedures. These processes and procedures should detail the tasks and requirements which must be accomplished, as well as specific actions to be performed by staff. They are essentially a set of business rules intended to communicate expected standards to staff from the CEO, to achieve the strategic direction of Council.


Shire of Ngaanyatjarraku Policy Manual