
“Eight Ladies” by Norma Giles

$100.00 AUD


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“Eight Ladies” by Norma Giles

The painting depicts eight ladies taking about dreaming stories. Ngaanyatjarra people believe the earth was created by numerous mythical beings. The earth was initially flat and featureless and from this flatness rose ancestral spirits who during their journey across the country, brought into existence all the features of the landscape as well as all the animals that live in it. The stories that tell of these ancestral spirits and their journeys and adventures are passed on from one generation to the next.
Artist    Norma Giles 
Language             Ngaanyatjarra
Medium                Acrylic on cotton canvas
Size                       59 x 41 cm
Date                      August 2017
Title                      “Eight Ladies”


Each painting includes a certificate of authenticity which comprises the artist's photo (with his/her permission)

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